Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Introduces Exciting Eyelash Treatment

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Introduces Exciting Eyelash Treatment

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Introduces Exciting Eyelash Treatment !

Clinic Eleven is excited to introduce the New LATISSE® (bimatoprost) Eyelash Treatment. Dr Brent Krivan and Aestethician Wendy Krivan are of the opinion that Eyelashes not only protect the eyes, they are also a defining feature of feminine beauty. Long, thick lashes help to give your eyes a more open, glamorous look. But as we age our eyelashes start to thin.

All our features change over time and as we age we have less eyelashes. Then there are those that may be fair-haired or have less noticeable lashes whatever their age. Now LATISSE® can help give you lashes you’ll love.

LATISSE® topical solution is the first scientifically proven treatment that allows you to grow your natural lashes, making them longer, fuller and darker* in just 16 weeks.

Clinic Eleven Appearance & Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Latisse comparison
Clinic Eleven Appearance & Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Latisse Eyelashes

Unlike other products you may have tried, LATISSE® topical solution is a prescription treatment.
It’s scientifically shown to help if your lashes are inadequate. With continuous use the results can
be noticeable.

In a clinical trial comparing LATISSE® with untreated lashes, results showed: 25% longer, 106% fuller and 18% darker Eyelashes in 16 weeks (compared to untreated lashes!
When you start using LATISSE® you may notice a difference in your lashes as early as 4 weeks. But the full effect is seen at 16 weeks. Persistence pays – with a daily application of LATISSE® you will see a noticeable difference. Call us today on 04 298 7600 to start your LATISSE® Eyelash Treatment or CLICK HERE to make a booking now !
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