Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine On Naturally Occurring Sugars

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine On Naturally Occurring Sugars

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine On Naturally Occurring Sugars

The appearance of your face changes over time. Look at a person in their 50s or 60s compared to a photograph of them in their 20s and the differences are noticeable. Wrinkles, skin texture and pigment changes are some of the visible signs of ageing that appear on the skin’s surface. Volume loss however is also a key change that occurs naturally over time.

Naturally occurring sugars are one of the natural substances that are present under the skin and deliver facial volume. Unfortunately these sugars decrease over time resulting in a loss of facial volume. If you think about a youthful face it is generally full of volume with smooth contours and curves. In fact, our cheeks and lips are generally at their most voluminous, plump and smooth when we are babies!

The appearance and harmony of our upper, mid and lower face changes over time in part due to this loss of naturally occurring sugar volume. Over time, the amount of soft tissue volume over the cheeks, brows, temples and lips decreases and the ligaments that hold the soft tissue high weaken. This natural volume loss changes the youthful contours of the face and together with the effects of gravity tend to move facial volume downward towards your jawline.

You can replace or enhance the naturally occurring sugars that help provide volume to the face. Discuss the treatment options available that can help restore your youthful appearance with Dr Brent Krivan and Aesthetician Wendy Krivan from Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine today.

Call them now on 04 298 7600 or CLICK HERE to make an appointment right away!