Clinic Eleven Skin Cancer and Appearance Medicine Paraparaumu on Accordion Lines – Are They A Concern For You?

Clinic Eleven Skin Cancer and Appearance Medicine Paraparaumu on Accordion Lines – Are They A Concern For You?

Clinic Eleven Skin Cancer and Appearance Medicine Paraparaumu on Accordion Lines – Are They A Concern For You?

Yes, there’s a name for those cheeky little lines that can persist on your lower cheek. Accordion lines are the static wrinkles that are present even when you’re not smiling on the outer sides of your mouth.

Clinic Eleven Appearance & Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Facial Accordion Lines
Clinic Eleven Appearance & Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Facial Accordion Lines

Facial changes occur over time and these ‘not quite charming’ dimples in the lower face are lines that are the result of repeated muscle movements that form facial expressions (especially smiling).

In addition, a loss of volume in the same area caused by a decrease in naturally occurring sugars and fat under the skin contributes to their visibility. Gravity, sun damage and other environmental and genetic factors can also play a part.

A severe “crash-diet” can also make these lines deepen and appear more severe, leaving you look tired and older than your real biological age.

Restoring the naturally occurring sugars that help create volume under the skin can diminish the appearance of these pesky accordion lines.

Discuss the treatment options available that can help restore your youthful appearance with Dr Brent Krivan and Aesthetician Wendy Krivan from Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine today.

Call them now on 04 298 7600 or CLICK HERE to make an appointment right away!