Introducing Secret RF

What is Secret RF? A non-surgical skin rejuvenation therapy developed to improve the tone and texture of your skin.

How does it work? By delivering radiofrequency energy into the skin via minimally invasive micro needles. This denaturisation process boosts your skin’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin – stirring it into regenerative action.

What is it used for? Treatments are recommended for lifting and tightening, pore reduction, broken capillaries, wrinkle reduction, acne scars, stretch marks and even hyperhidrosis.

What happens in a treatment?  Micro needles are applied to the treatment area and radiofrequency is applied. Treatment can be done with or without numbing.

Post procedure: After one hour redness is reduced and 24 hours later you will not know you’ve had the treatment, making Secret RF an excellent option for quick recovery and immediate tightening and then longer-term benefits around the eyes, cheeks, jowls, neck, décolletage, arms, hands and even stretch marks and scars.

Aftercare: A cooling mask is applied after your treatment and recovery time is relatively quick. A post procedure solution pack is included as a part of this treatment to take home and treat your skin to some gentle and calming goodness post the treatment.

Other benefits? Aestheticians and clients are also finding the use of Secret RF post wrinkle reduction treatments maximises results over time.

It’s the Secret gift that keeps on giving.

Discuss your treatment plan with one of our Clinic Eleven Aestheticians, you may benefit from one or more treatments over a period of time. 

The Secret RF helps with:

  • Improves Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Reduces Open pores
  • Improves Stretch marks
  • Acne scarring
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Lifting and Tightening