Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on How Your Skin Changes

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on How Your Skin Changes

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on How Your Skin Changes

Your skin is a complex organ that is supported by different layers that provide structure (bone), movement (muscle), volume (deep layers of the dermis), texture and complexion (epidermis).

Clinic Eleven Appearance & Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Skin Layers
Clinic Eleven Appearance & Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu Skin Layers

On the outside, skin pigmentation and texture can be affected by sun damage. As we look deeper, another change with age is the loss of volume. When we are young we have smooth skin contours, and our cheeks and upper face are full of volume. However, with age this can shift, and a loss of volume can make the skin thinner and the effects of gravity more obvious.

There are also changes to the facial muscles that decrease in strength and tone, reducing the support they provide to the soft tissues above them. Repeated action of the facial muscles means that dynamic wrinkles (formed during facial expressions) can form static wrinkles (wrinkles and skin folds that are present at rest).
At the core of our facial structure is bone, forming the ‘foundation’ over which the other layers sit. As we age, the foundation becomes less prominent which can affect the look of fullness and balance of our features.

Talk to Dr Brent Krivan and Aesthetician Wendy Krivan at Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu about the facial changes that occur over time and the treatment options available to rejuvenate your skin. Call them now on 04 298 7600 or CLICK HERE to make an appointment today!