Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on Common Skin Cancer Symptoms

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on Common Skin Cancer Symptoms

Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on Common Skin Cancer Symptoms

Skin cancer prevails in two forms; melanoma skin cancer and non-melanoma skin cancer. You can tell if a person is suffering from skin cancer from the skin cancer symptoms they may show through changes in the skin. Some common symptoms are growth, irritable sores that don’t heal and changes in a wart or mole.

Basal cell carcinoma shows skin cancer symptoms on the nose, head, chest, back or shoulders. This form of cancer is more than three times as prevalent as squamous cell carcinoma. This is because basal cell carcinoma exists in various forms like nodular, slerosing and superficial. Though all the symptoms may be different, they all respond to the same treatment. Symptoms vary depending on the type of skin cancer, and include skin changes like red and tender spots that bleed easily, patches of skin on the face that is firm to the touch and bumps that itch, crust over and bleed and repeat the process.

Other skin cancer symptoms are firm and pearly bumps having tiny blood vessels that resemble a spider and smooth or shiny bumps that resemble moles or cysts. If you find any changes in the color, size or shape of a wart or mole, consult your Skin Specialist as such changes are suggestive of cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma is another form of non-melanoma skin cancer that affects the head, face or neck. The symptoms for this form of cancer is persistent, red and firm bumps found on the skin exposed to the sun and skin growths that resemble warts. Even patches of skin that feel scaly, bleed or turn into a crust can be skin cancer symptoms. These patches may grow bigger over time, and form into a sore in the long run.

If you find a sore that does not heal or some thickening of the skin on your lower lip, it may be a skin cancer symptom. These thickenings on the lower lips are most prominent in smokers, those who chew tobacco and those whose lips are exposed to the sun and wind for long periods of time. In the case of melanoma, suspicious changes in your mole may be considered to be skin cancer symptoms. So if you find moles that grow bigger, look inflamed, itch or are painful and tend to change color or shape to develop irregular dark edges, it is better to consult your Skin Cancer Specialist. If you have moles that bleed, turn crusty or look inflamed, you have to visit your doctor. The faster you detect the skin cancer symptoms; the better is the prospects of treating your ailment.

Talk to Dr Brent Krivan and Aesthetician Wendy Krivan from Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu to have your skin checked for any abnormal changes in your skin and to learn the best ways to protect yourself from Skin Cancer.

Call them now on 04 298 7600 or CLICK HERE to make an appointment right away!