Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu on Skin Cancer Signs
Skin cancer is a form of cancer that manifests itself in different ways and signs. The most common of skin cancer signs is a change in the skin like growths or sores that don’t heal. If you find lumps that are smooth, shiny or waxy looking, or is red or reddish brown in color, it is better to visit the doctor to find out if you are suffering from skin cancer as early as possible.
Red spots that are rough or scaly are other skin cancer signs that should be shown to the doctor when in doubt. As skin cancer can start from or near a mole, make it a point to have your specialist check all unusual moles that seem to be larger than others, have different colors or have irregular edges. This is because these are all signs for skin cancer.
Skin cancer signs are listed as the ‘ABCD’ warning signs of melanoma where:
• Asymmetry means that one half of the mole does not match the other half.
• Border irregularity where the edges of the moles are ragged, blurred and notched.
• Color where you find irregular pigmentation in the moles of your body. There may be moles in shades of tan, brown or black with a mottled or splotchy appearance.
• Diameter where you find the width of the moles to be more than 6 millimeters, or the size of a pencil eraser. Abnormal growth in the mole should be reported and investigated.
The other signals for skin cancer are usually mottled, light brown to black and flat blemishes having irregular edges. These moles may turn red, blue or white and may also bleed or crust on its surface. The earliest skin cancer signs for squamous cell carcinoma are skin growths called actinic keratosis.
These are small and scaly spots that develop on the parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. They usually start as small, red and flat spots that grow large, scaly and thick like a wart and usually form on the face or back of hands.
The other signs you should keep an eye out for are:
• Changes in color or shape in existing moles, or moles that start to bleed or ooze.
• Moles that grow into unusually large size.
• Sores on the mole that heal very slowly.
• Blood blisters which you find under toenails, which develop on its own, and not because of a blow.
• New moles that develop after the age of 30. People usually get moles within the age of 30s; new moles that start after it have to be studied and investigated.
These skin cancer signs can be identified and declared skin cancer only by your doctor or Skin Cacncer Specialist. So if you find any of these skin cancer signs, make sure that you consult your doctor to find out the next step to be taken.
Talk to Dr Brent Krivan and Aesthetician Wendy Krivan from Clinic Eleven Appearance and Skin Cancer Medicine Paraparaumu to have your skin checked for any abnormal changes in your skin and to learn the best ways to protect yourself from Skin Cancer.
Call them now on 04 298 7600 or CLICK HERE to make an appointment right away!